Fragonia essential oil

Product Description

Processing method of fragonia essential oil: steam distillation
Part of the plant: flowering bushes
Botanical name: Agonis fragrans
Family: Myrtaceae
Odour: fresh and floral headnote
Chakra: Heart
Origin: Australia


Oxides: 1.8 cineole (29 to 32.5%)
Monoterpene: Alpha-pinene (21 to 27%),
Monoterpenol: linalool (10 to 12.4%)
100 % pure & natural without any other additives

Fragonia is a shrub that grows up to 2m tall, native to Southwest Australia. This oil belongs to the family Myrtaceae like tea tree. Fragonia has stiff, thick leaves and also produces flowers that can either be white or pink. There is no known trace that Aboriginals use the oil these days. This essential oil has been discovered recently. According to the University of Perth, its antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral activities are comparable to oregano, tea tree, and lemongrass (in vitro) essential oil.


Respiratory, expectorant and mucolytic
The 1,8 concentration of cineole helps with the elimination of mucus. Coupled with alpha-pinene which helps clear your respiratory system.

Strong antibacterial properties and antifungal
This oil is antimicrobial like tea tree. However, its smell is a lot more pleasant. It is particularly effective on Acinetobacter baumannii, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus aureus or epidermis. As a result, it will be effective on the digestive system, respiratory system and skin.

It acts on certain viruses and fungi: herpes, candidiasis or mycoses.

Due to its high content of alpha-pinene, fragonia essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties for your muscles, joint or skin. Additionally, it inhibits the secretion of the molecules responsible for inflammation: calms oedema and redness.

Other properties :
Balancing the immune system,
Analgesic, it brings relief to external pain,
Mild anti-viral.

Linalool has a soothing, calming, sedative and anxiolytic action. Therefore, that contributes to falling asleep and relaxing.

Other properties
-Physic balance

-Prevent and mitigate “jet lag”, and tiredness due to travel. This oil is strongly recommended to travellers in association with kunzea essential oil.

Purifying, it cleanses skin problems.

Deodorant, eliminates bacteria responsible for bad body odours.

Properties in energy aromatherapy
-Feminine essential oil that allows us to recreate conditions of peace and harmony with ourselves.

– Free from negative energy, destructive attitudes and old grudges that poison our mind and sometimes our body.

– Help to stabilise our emotions and regulate mood swings.

– Regulates Yin and Yan on women.

– Useful when feeling persecuted, having an internal conflict, repetitive conflict situation, anxiety, sadness, melancholy, depression, an accumulation of conflicts and negative thoughts, jealousy and possessiveness.

-From an energetic point of view, fragonia essential oil acts on chakras of the upper body: 5th, 6th and 7th chakras. To be more exact your throat, between two eyebrows as well as the top of your skull. Apply regularly on those points, this essential oil facilitates dream and make them real.

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