
Wild Forest Organic Honey (Cardamom)

Product Description

Azafran Wild Forest Organic Honey comes from the most diverse forests across India. Loaded with enzymes and nutrients which help attain high levels of immunity and health. Free from synthetic sugars, our healthy organic honey helps heal wounds, is good for cold & cough, is a natural immunity builder, energy booster and has several antibacterial and antiviral properties. Honey and cardamom are known to be effective in preventing bad breath, tooth decay and cavities among several other health benefits. It is ethically extracted without hurting the bees, is rich in nutrients, certified and has 100 % traceable ingredients from the rich wild forests of India.

The earthiness of cardamom meets the luxury of raw honey! The timeless beauty of nature’s bounty reflects in every drop, a raw texture from the unprocessed goodness of nature, our honey’s aroma, taste and consistency truly stand apart. The essence of honey lies in its unadulterated, conscious and ethical methods of extraction, setting it apart with a taste of nature. Honey is any day a better substitute to harmful sugar, switch to Azafran Wild Forest Organic Honey Infused with Handpicked Organic Cardamom today for a beautiful life.

We are Certified Organic, cruelty-free and all-natural. All our products are made with carefully sourced ingredients for effective, targeted action and a conscious lifestyle for you and your loved ones.

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