Black Pepper Oil

Product Description

Black Pepper Oil is excerpted out from Piper plant nigrum that belongs to the family of Piperaceae. Produced from unripe red fruit of piper plant, this essential oil is warm and provides soothing effect to mind and body. This oil further when applied on sore muscles and joints, provides instant relief to the pain. This pure essential oil has high healing properties and is used for boosting digestive and overall immunity system of an individual. With strong smell of spice, this particular oil is made available in different color shades such as from yellow-green to light amber. This oil has high watery viscosity and contains several chemical components like b-farnesene, erpinen-4-ol, sabinene, camphene, limonene, myrcene, b-pinene, a-thujone, linalool, caryophyllene and much more. Known for curative properties such as laxative, aphrodisiac, digestive, analgesic, antispasmodic and antiseptic, this pure herbal oil is majorly used for healing common-cold, rheumatism, exhaustion and muscular pain. Moreover, our Black Pepper Oil assists in increases flow of saliva, toning colon muscles and stimulating appetite.


Botanical Name -Piper nigrum
Parts Used -Seed
Common Method of Extraction -Steam distillation
Note Classification -Middle
Aroma- Spice and Woody

Chemical Composition:-

Carbohydrates Traces Of Tannin, Glycoside And Steroidal 25%
Fat 21%
P-Cymene 50-55%
Proteins 17%
Terpinene 30-35 %
Thymol 35-60%
Volatile Oil 2-4%

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