Annapurna Aroma

Organic Sil Timur (Lindera neesiana)

Product Description

Sil Timur (Lindera neesiana), a 5m tall deciduous tree can be found at elevations ranging from 1500 to 2700 meters on the outskirts of cultivable lands in Central and Eastern Nepal. It is an aromatic and spicy plant with edible fruits. It is a traditional herbal medicine widely used for the treatment of diarrhea, tooth pain, headache, and gastric disorders and is also used as a stimulant.
Its harvesting season is from November to December

Botanical Name : Lindera neesiana
Distillation part of plant : Fruits
Main Constituents : Linalool, alpha-Pinene, 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one
Local Name : Sil Timur
Sourcing : Wild Crafted
Production Month : November – December
Production : Contracted community forest groups

General Properties
Physical Properties:

Aroma : Refreshing, pleasant, lemon type
Notes : Base
Color : Pale Yellow
Appearance : Fluid liquid

Available Quantity: 150 gm to 100 K.G

The Sil Timur are often used to flavor curries, vegetable, fish, and meat meals, soups, and almost any dish.
Even after drying, they have a wonderful aroma, fragrant scent, and flavor.
The oil of Sil Timur is used for stimulants, tonics, and stomachic purposes.
It’s also great for perfumery.

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