
citrea Face Soap

Product Description

Finest unmilled soap that transcends face wash into a premium healing session

Refresh your skin and mood with a luxurious face-washing experience.
Face soap that is maximally blended with natural lemon myrtle essential oil for an abundantly crisp and refreshing scent.
Laborious frame-kneading method was chosen so that high levels of moisturising and beauty ingredients can be infused into the soap.
Each wash will leave your skin feeling moist and silky-smooth.

Thorough Cleansing Yet Gentle to the Skin

Absolutely free of paraben, artificial stabilisers, preservatives, petroleum-based surfactants, mineral oils, silicones, UV absorbers, synthetic fragrances or coal-tar dyes, our soap whips a clean, creamy foam. It removes dirt fully while being gentle to your skin. After rinsing, your skin feels soft and succulent as if it clings to your finger.

Frame-Kneading to Mix in High Levels of Moisturising and Beauty Ingredients

Compared to machine-milling, frame-kneading requires more steps and greater efforts to manufacture soap. However, because the method allows the soap base to be kept at 50–60% of the entire formulation, more moisturising agents and beauty ingredients can be incorporated into the soap. In addition to lemon myrtle, moisturising and barrier-forming ingredients, such as ceramide-containing Yuzu fruit extract, squalene and hyaluronic acid, are generously kneaded into our soap.

Lemon Myrtle Blended at the Maximum Level Allowed

Lemon myrtle essential oil, which boasts both a wonderful fragrance and high anti-microbial and anti-oxidative powers, is blended at 2% (the maximum concentration allowed). The soap is formulated to bring out the full potential of the clean and brisk scent that is uniquely lemon myrtle — herbal yet freshly squeezed lemon juice-like scent.

Lactococcal Fermentate that is Safe for Your Skin.

We use “fermented hyaluronic acid” obtained from Lactococcal fermentate produced by fermenting foodstuff, not by chemical synthesis. It moisturises your skin gently.

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