Black spruce essential Oil – Organic

Product Description

Processing method of black spruce essential oil: steam distillation
Part of the plant: needles and branches
Odour: Fresh, resineous and balsamic (BASE NOTE)
Chakra: Root
Origin: Canada


Monoterpenes: camphene (10 to 25%), alpha-pinene (12 to 22%)
Esters: bornyl acetate (12 to 35%)

Botanical name: Picea mariana
Family: Abietaceae

Black spruce is a conifer native to Canada that grows on mountain slopes. Its bark is grey-brown and the very little flowers give fruits that look like dark purple pine cones. It is one of those trees that can withstand the harshest cold.

Yield: 1kg of oil = about 100 kgs needles


  • Anti-infectious, anti-mycotic, anti-parasitic, aerial antiseptic ++
  • Anti-spasmodic, antitussive reducing the coughing reflex, it assists expectoration and the expulsion of mucus from the trachea or the bronchi +
  • Anti-inflammatory+++
  • Hormone mimetic: cortisone mimetic +
  • General tonic allows for a good general neurotonic fitness, refills the solar plexus +++
  • Antiseptic

The black spruce EO is very different from other essential oils obtained from conifers because there is less alpha-pinene. So it is less used to clear the airway but remains anti-infective and moreover is calming cough. It is close to Siberian fir (Abies sibirica) essential oil.

♦Main psycho-emotional properties – to increase energy♦

  • Lack of energy and motivation
  • Emotional blockage
  • Feeling insecure
  • Fears, phobias

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