Annapurna Aroma

Organic Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria)

Product Description

Zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria) is a zingberaceae coniferin. India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and China are all home to this species. It can be found up to 1000 meters in Nepal. It’s a small tree that grows up to 40cm tall. Steam distillation of rhizomes and seeds yields zedoary essential oil.

Its harvesting season is from September to October.

Botanical Name : Curcuma zedoaria
Distillation part of plant : Seeds and Rhizomes
Main Constituents : 1,8-cineole (29.87%)
Local Name : Kachur
Sourcing : Wild Crafted
Production Month : September to October
Production : Company Owned Distillation

General Properties
Physical Properties:

Aroma : Warm-spicy, woody and Camphoraceous odor
Notes : Top- middle
Color : Golden Yellow
Appearance :Viscous liquid

Available Quantity : 150 gm to 100 K.G

Provides essential digestive aid
Treats respiratory problems
Relieves pain and inflammation
Helps if fighting against cancerous cells
It can also be used in fragrance and flavor industries

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