
Organic fine lavender essential oil

Product Description

fine lavender

Origin: Aroma’Plantes

Distilled part: flowering top

Main component: Linalool, linalyl acetate, b-ocimene

For the short story:
“Lavender is the soul of Haute Provence” according to Jean Giono. Since Antiquity, this little blue flower has been known for its purifying and calming properties. Among the Romans it was used for perfumes, for linen or baths for its disinfectant properties. In the 17th century, it was used to protect against contagious diseases in fumigations and by monks in the gardens of monasteries and herbalisms. It comes from the Latin lavare which means to wash, to purify and was also called the “plant of the brain” for its soothing and calming properties which treated epileptic or hysterical attacks.

At Aroma’plantes:
We use fine Lavender oil in our Lavender Fluid body milk .

Here are some properties of Lavender essential oil:

She is healing.
It has anti-stretch mark properties.
It is also anti-acne by its regulating action of sebum production.
It calms, relaxes the muscles and soothes the nerves.
On the capillary side, it keeps lice away.

All the properties described here are taken from the bibliography and given for information purposes, they should not be interpreted as medical prescriptions.

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