Slovenian brand developing ultra-high quality aroma products begins sales promotion in Japan

Thank you for using HerbaromaTrade.

In March of this year, we announced that we had started promoting an Ayurvedic brand of HerbaromaTrade member, and last month we reported on the results.

The level of interest from buyers is very high because it is a brand that has never been distributed in Japan therefore the number of inquiries is increasing day by day.

(Announcement of the promotion start) March 2024

(Report on promotion status) May 2024

Today, we have a new and exciting announcement to make.

The promotional activities for a Slovenian Brand (HerbaromaTrade member) developing ultra-high quality aroma products has started in Japan since last week after our partner ,Marunouchi Bussan Co., Ltd. , has completed the import procedures for Japan market.

The following photo shows the scene at an B2B aromatherapy exhibition held in Osaka, Japan last week.

After the exhibition, We received a constant stream of calls from buyers looking for new products because it is a brand that has never been distributed in Japan.

Several companies have expressed an interest in purchasing the product immediately.

We will report the status of the promotion for this Slovenian brand in a few months.

If you would like to promote your products in Japan, please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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