Annapurna Aroma

Organic Valerian (Valeriana wallichi)

Product Description

Valerian (Valeriana wallichi) is a perennial herb that can reach a height of 0.4 – 0.5 meter and is native to Nepal, India and China. Valerian is derived from the Latin word for “well-being” and is best known to ancient classical authors and plays a vital role in the treatment of menstrual difficulties. The genus Valerian belongs to the family valerianaceae and is widely found in the world. The valerian oil is extracted by steam distillation. It has been used traditionally in the treatment of insomnia, nervous disorder, skin disease and snake poisoning. From the recent study it is shown that valerian root is effective in children with sleeping problems related to nervousness.
Its harvesting season is from October to November.

Botanical Name : Valeriana wallichii
Distillation part of plant : Root
Main Constituents : Isovaleric acid, Viridiflorol, Patchouli alcohol
Local Name : Sugandawall
Sourcing : Wild-crafted
Production Month : Oct-Nov
Production : Contracted community forest groups

General Properties
Physical Properties:

Aroma : Fresh, balsamic, woody-sweet and pine needle like odor
Notes : Top to middle
Color : Water white or very pale yellow
Appearance : Mobile liquid

Available Quantity : 150 gm to 100 K.G

Valerian is a powerful insomnia remedy that promotes a restful, restorative sleep.
It helps relieve cramps, intestinal colic and useful for menstrual pains.

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