
Free breath blend

Product Description

All the best for the airways • cough tea • soothing • expectorant • relieves expectoration • relieves coughing • herbal tea collection • bronchial tea

✔ LUNGS-TEA forte – beneficial for bronchial complaints, loosening mucus, relieving coughing, cough tea, soothing cough, warming, pleasant taste

✔ WHAT OUR CUSTOMERS SAY ✔ …keeps what it promises – I’m very satisfied with the result ✔ …excellent effect and sets in quickly ✔ …quality is convincing and the tea tastes good ✔ Super ✔ …meets my expectations ✔ Extremely good and extremely beneficial

✔ WITHOUT CHEMICALS – Natural herbal tea products can improve well-being and are known for their health benefits. You can support and prevent your body’s self-healing powers

✔ 100% NATURAL – GMO-free plant-based raw materials – vegan – vegetarian

✔ Made in GERMANY – many products of this type are imported from third countries, repackaged and distributed uncontrolled. Our raw materials are checked for pesticides and other residues in Germany, packaged and delivered directly to the customer

✔ ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY – When procuring the raw materials as well as during production and shipping to the customer, unnecessary outer boxes, problem packaging or oversized deceptive packaging are avoided throughout



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