EnglishPearl Tea

EPT Cinnamon Tweak

Product Description

This special herbal tea has the perfect blend of ingredients in a cup of tea! It is sweet as well as spicy that gives the tea drinkers a sense of relief and satisfaction with every sip. Combined with cinnamon, hibiscus, black currant, and licorice, it has a flavor of natural plum that gives a heavenly taste! The aroma is highly tempting with flavors of cinnamon and plum filling the room. Taking 3 minutes for brewing time, this cup of tea can be consumed at any time of the day as it is low in caffeine.

Liquorice Root, Natural Oil, Black Currant Flavour, Cinnamon, Hibiscus

Brew Guide
Prepare 180ml Water
Boil: 90°C to 95°C
Add Tea: 2.5gm / 1Tsp
Condiments: Lemon/Honey
Brew for 3 – 4 Min Serve: Hot

Additional Info
Recommended: With Water
Aroma: Spicy sweet and Floral
Caffeine: Low
Serving: Hot
Tasting Notes: Spicy Flavor With Tangy Sweetness of Fruits.

Aids Indigestion
Helps in Lowering Blood Pressure
Relieves in asthma, Sore Throat, and Hiccups.
Improves Memory

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