Product Description
Cardamom originates from the low hills of West Java. Currently cardamom has been cultivated in various parts of Indonesia.
Biji kapulaga memiliki rasa pedas seperti jahe dan dapat digunakan sebagai rempah aromatik hangat untuk menyegarkan napas dan pembangkit selera makan. Minyak astri kapulaga banyak digunakan dalam industri parfum dan tepung bumbu.
In the world of health, cardamom seeds are used as a medicine for abdominal pain, fever, cough, and as a tonic especially for women who have just given birth. Plant boiling herbs can be taken to reduce rheumatism and boiling dry raspberry leaves that were previously destroyed can be taken to decrease fever and fight disease in the digestive tract.
Sc: Sedarnawati Yasni – Teknologi Pengolahan dan Pemanfaatan Produk Ekstraktif Rempah